
Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 10, 2016

Funny and cute giraffe, baby giraffe pictures, photos, images

Let' check out to see our collection of funny and cute giraffe pictures, pictures of giraffes, giraffe images, photos, baby giraffe pictures. Though they have towering legs and long necks, theseanimals can be sometimes really clumsy. One of interesting and amazing giraffe facts is that no giraffe have the same pattern just like no two humans have the same fingerprint. More interestingly, female giraffes give birth standing up. And baby giraffes can stand after just half an hour and even run after ten hours of birth. Now, it's time to check out these funny pictures!

Funny and cute giraffe, baby giraffe pictures, photos, images







Check out for more interesting, funny jokes, random, amazing, crazy, weird facts, factoflife, and fun fact of the day.

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