
Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 10, 2016

Window10 Guide: How to Share a Web Page in Edge Browser

Tired of copying and pasting a URL into your Facebook or Twitter status boxes to share them with your admiring fans? Microsoft's new Windows 10 browser Edge packs a native Share feature that lets you post Web pages directly to your social networks with one click. The tool also works with your email so you can easily send private links to your contacts. Here's how. 
1. Open Edge

2. Tap the Share button on the top right while the page you want to share is open.

3. Press the dropdown arrow next to the page's name to pick the format you wish to share. You can post the page as a screenshot or Web page (.html).

4. Select the channel through which you wish to post. Edge only supports sharing via apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Mail and OneNote, and these apps must be installed on your system before you can use them on Edge.

For this tutorial, we'll use Twitter.

5. Log in, if you haven't yet.

6. Fill in your caption or message, then hit post. 
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